在 C++ 标头中声明数组并在 cpp 文件中定义它?

Declare array in C++ header and define it in cpp file?(在 C++ 标头中声明数组并在 cpp 文件中定义它?)

本文介绍了在 C++ 标头中声明数组并在 cpp 文件中定义它?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这可能是一件非常简单的事情,但我是 C++ 新手,所以需要帮助.

This is probably a really simple thing but I'm new to C++ so need help.

我只想在我的 C++ 头文件中声明一个数组,例如:

I just want to declare an array in my C++ header file like:

int lettersArr[26];

然后在 cpp 文件中的函数中定义它,例如:

and then define it in a function in the cpp file like:

    lettersArr[26] = { letA, letB, letC, letD, letE, letF, letG, letH,
        letI, letJ, letK, letL, letM, letN, letO, letP, letQ, letR, letS,
        letT, letU, letV, letW, letX, letY, letZ };



Have I got the syntax wrong or something? What is the correct way to to this?




Add extern to the declaration in the header file.

extern int lettersArr[26];

(另外,除非您打算更改数组,否则请考虑添加 const.)

(Also, unless you plan to change the array, consider also adding const.)

定义必须有类型.添加int(或const int):

The definition must have a type. Add int (or const int):

int lettersArr[26] = { letA, /*...*/ };

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本文标题为:在 C++ 标头中声明数组并在 cpp 文件中定义它?
