什么是 Microsoft Visual Studio 等效于 GCC ld 选项 --whole-archive

What is the Microsoft Visual Studio equivalent to GCC ld option --whole-archive(什么是 Microsoft Visual Studio 等效于 GCC ld 选项 --whole-archive)

本文介绍了什么是 Microsoft Visual Studio 等效于 GCC ld 选项 --whole-archive的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When linking a static library against an executable, unreferenced symbols are normally discarded. In my case some otherwise unused objects are used to register their respective classes into a factory and if the objects are discarded, this registration fails.

在我们使用 gcc 的 Unix 下,我可以将标志 --whole-archive 传递给链接器 ld(参见下面 ld 文档的摘录),这使得 ld 不会丢弃任何对象.Visual C++ 有这样的东西吗?

Under Unix where we use gcc, I can pass the flag --whole-archive to the linker ld (see excerpt from ld documentation below), which makes ld not discard any objects. Is there anything like this for Visual C++?


    `--whole-archive' 选项,包含存档中的每个目标文件

    For each archive mentioned on the command line after the
    `--whole-archive' option, include every object file in the archive
    in the link, rather than searching the archive for the required
    object files. This is normally used to turn an archive file into
    a shared library, forcing every object to be included in the
    resulting shared library. This option may be used more than once.


据我所知,没有一个选项可以可靠地保证这一点.有一些优化选项的组合(默默地)禁用它,所以没有办法...... /INCLUDE 有效,但为此您需要提取和硬编码符号的错位名称.您有两种选择:(1) 确保所有注册商都包含(包含)在包含 main 的翻译单元中,并强制使用它们.(2) 放弃这个成语",使用显式注册.

To my knowledge, there is no single option which reliably guarantees that. There are combinations of optimizing options which (silently) deactivate this, so no way... /INCLUDE works, but for that you need to extract and hardcode the mangled name of the symbol. You have two choices: (1) ensure, that all registrars are contained (included) in the translation unit containing main and enforce their usage. (2) Give up this 'idiom' and use explicit registration.

注意:这个答案现在已经快 7 年了,关于 MSVC++ 工具链中选项可用性的声明已经过时了.尽管如此,我仍然建议不要依赖注册商模式并查看替代方案.由于此建议,请随意投反对票,但我认为投反对票有点不公平,因为同时该选项已添加到 Microsoft 链接器中.

Caution: this answer is now almost 7 years old and the statements regarding the availability of options in the MSVC++ toolchain are outdated. Nevertheless I still recommend not to rely on registrar pattern and look at the alternatives. Please feel free to down vote because of this recommendation but I guess it's a bit unfair to down vote because the option was added to Microsoft linker in the meantime.

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本文标题为:什么是 Microsoft Visual Studio 等效于 GCC ld 选项 --whole-archive
