如何从 boost::property_tree 获取枚举?

How to get enum from boost::property_tree?(如何从 boost::property_tree 获取枚举?)

本文介绍了如何从 boost::property_tree 获取枚举?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何从 boost::property_tree 获取枚举?


This is my "non-working" example.



#include <iostream>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>

int main()
  enum class EMISSION { EMIT1, EMIT2 } ;
  enum EMISSION myEmission;

  //Initialize the XML file into property_tree
  boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
  read_xml("config.xml", pt);

  //test enum (SUCCESS)
  myEmission = EMISSION::EMIT1;
  std::cout << (myEmission == EMISSION::EMIT1) << "

  //test basic ptree interpreting capability (SUCCESS)
  const double fooDouble = pt.get<double>("root.fooDouble");
  std::cout << fooDouble << "

  //read from enum from ptree and assign (FAILURE)
  myEmission = pt.get<enum EMISSION>( "root.fooEnum" );
  std::cout << (myEmission == EMISSION::EMIT1) << "

  return 0;


error: cannot bind 'std::basic_istream<char>' lvalue to 

/usr/include/c++/4.8/istream:872:5: error:   
initializing argument 1 of 'std::basic_istream<_CharT, 
  _Traits>& std::operator>
(std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits>&&, _Tp&)
[with _CharT = char; _Traits = std::char_traits<char>;
_Tp = main()::EMISSION]'


C++ 中枚举的名称是一个符号,而不是字符串.除非您通过编写如下方法自己提供该映射,否则无法在字符串和枚举值之间进行映射:

The name of an enum in C++ is a symbol, not a string. There isn't a way to map between a string and an enum value unless you provide that mapping yourself by writing a method such as:

EMISSION emission_to_string(const std::string& name)
    if ( name == "EMISSION::EMIT1")
        return EMISSION::EMIT1;
    ... etc

然后,您将从 property_tree 中获取字符串形式的值并应用此映射.

You would then get the value as a string from the property_tree and apply this mapping.

有更好的方法来实现这一点,这些方法可以通过许多枚举值更优雅地扩展.我已经使用 boost::bimap 来启用从 enum->string 或从 string->enum 的映射,当然这也为您提供了一个映射而不是一个愚蠢的大 if 语句.如果您这样做,请考虑使用 boost::assign 来初始化您的静态地图,因为它看起来比其他方法更干净.

There are nicer ways to implement this which scale more elegantly with many enum values. I have done this using boost::bimap to enable a mapping from enum->string OR from string->enum, and of course this also gives you a map instead of a silly big if statement. If you do this, look into using boost::assign to initialise your static map, as it looks cleaner than other methods.

这篇关于如何从 boost::property_tree 获取枚举?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何从 boost::property_tree 获取枚举?
