tuple_size 和一个从元组继承的类?

tuple_size and an inhereted class from tuple?(tuple_size 和一个从元组继承的类?)

本文介绍了tuple_size 和一个从元组继承的类?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



class TR_AgentInfo : public tuple<
                              long long,         //AgentId
                              string,         //AgentIp
TR_AgentInfo() {}
  const long long& AgentId,
  const string& AgentIp,
    get<0>(*this) = AgentId;
    get<1>(*this) = AgentIp;

long long getAgentId() const { return get<0>(*this); }
void setAgentId(const long long& AgentId) { get<0>(*this) = AgentId; }

string getAgentIp() const { return get<1>(*this); }
void setAgentIp(const string& AgentIp) { get<1>(*this) = AgentIp; }


Now I want to use this code:

int count = tuple_size<TR_AgentInfo>::value;

但是 gcc 给出了这个错误:

but gcc give this error:

error: incomplete type std::tuple_size<TR_AgentInfo> used in nested name specifier



如果你只是想让你的一个类使用 std::tuple_size,你可以简单地提供一个专业化:

If you just want your one class to work with std::tuple_size, you can simply provide a specialization:

namespace std
  template<> struct tuple_size<TR_AgentInfo>
    static const size_t value = 2;

    // alternatively, `tuple_size<tuple<long long, string>>::value`
    // or even better, `tuple_size<TR_AgentInfo::tuple_type>::value`, #1

明确允许您向命名空间 std 添加特化,正是针对您的情况.

You are expressly allowed to add specializations to the namespace std, precisely for situations like yours.

如果您的实际类本身是模板化的,您可以简单地将 2 替换为适当的构造.例如,对于建议 #1,您可以将 tuple_type 的 typedef 添加到您的类中.给这只猫剥皮的方法有很多.

If your actual class is itself templated, you can simply replace 2 by an appropriate construction. For example, for suggestion #1 you could add a typedef for tuple_type to your class. There are many ways to skin this cat.

这篇关于tuple_size 和一个从元组继承的类?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:tuple_size 和一个从元组继承的类?
