Qt Creator 如何用作通用 C++ IDE(不使用 Qt 库)?

How can Qt Creator be used as general C++ IDE (no usage of Qt library)?(Qt Creator 如何用作通用 C++ IDE(不使用 Qt 库)?)

本文介绍了Qt Creator 如何用作通用 C++ IDE(不使用 Qt 库)?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我一直在寻找一个不错的 C++ IDE,我真的很喜欢 Qt Creator 的特性和性能,我计划用它来制作基于 Qt 的应用程序.但是,就目前而言,我只想将 Qt creator 用作通用 C++ IDE,而不使用 Qt 库.我如何才能将 Qt creator 用于常规 C++ 开发?我需要做哪些配置?我希望能得到一些详细的指导.

I've been looking around for a nice C++ IDE, and I really like the features and performance of Qt Creator, and I plan to use it to make Qt based applications down the road. However, for right now, I just want to use Qt creator as general purpose C++ IDE without the use of the Qt library. How can I go about using Qt creator just for regular C++ development? What configurations do I need to make? I would appreciate some detailed guidance with this.


Thank you for your time and cooperation. I appreciate it, and I hope to hear from you all soon.




  1. 使用 qmake 项目文件:要摆脱所有剩余的 Qt 内容,请将这些添加到您的项目文件中:

  1. use qmake project files: to get rid of all the remaining Qt stuff, add these to your project file(s):

CONFIG -= qt

请记住,构建仍然需要 qmake 本身.所以你很可能需要安装 Qt.

Remember that qmake itself is still required to build. So you'll most likely need a Qt installation.

使用 Cmake 项目文件.

use Cmake project files.

这两种情况都可以依靠 Qt Creator 的全面支持(左窗格中的文件和项目).Qt Creator 中的 git 和 svn 支持很棒

Both cases can count on Qt Creator's full support (for files and projects in the left pane). git and svn support in Qt Creator is awesome

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本文标题为:Qt Creator 如何用作通用 C++ IDE(不使用 Qt 库)?
