对 -Waggregate-return 的目的/行为感到困惑?

Confusion in regards to purpose/behavior of -Waggregate-return?(对 -Waggregate-return 的目的/行为感到困惑?)

本文介绍了对 -Waggregate-return 的目的/行为感到困惑?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


While looking at the GCC's warning options, I came across -Waggregate-return.

Warn if any functions that return structures or unions are defined or called. (In languages where you can return an array, this also elicits a warning.)

small example that elicits the warning:

class foo{};
foo f(void){return foo{};}
int main(){}

$ g++ -std=c++0x -Waggregate-return -o main main.cpp
main.cpp: In function ‘foo f()’:
main.cpp:2:5: warning: function returns an aggregate [-Waggregate-return]

another small example that does not elicit the warning:

#include <string>
std::string f(void){return "test";}
int main(){}

What is the benefit gained from using -Waggregate-return?
Why would someone want to be warned about this?
Also, isn't std::string a class?- why arn't I warned about the 'returned aggregate' in the second example?


Following the comments made by @AlokSave, here is a later edit of the answer:

Three are two possible explanations for this compiler flag. Since the documentation about it is scarce, it is somewhat unclear what its original meaning is, but there are, mainly, two possible explanations:

1) Warning the user about returning an aggregate object make him aware that the stack could overflow if the aggregate object (which is allocated on the stack) is returned.

2) Apparently, some old C compiler did not support returning aggrregates (you had to return a pointer).

Which of the two is the best one, it is hard for me to judge. However, more relevant information about this flag may be found at the following links:



Quoting from the latter link:

In the GNU apps I'm familiar with (Emacs, coreutils, ...) we simply disable -Waggregate-return. It a completely anachronistic warning, since its motivation was to support backwards compatibility with C compilers that did not allow returning structures. Those compilers are long dead and are no longer of practical concern.

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本文标题为:对 -Waggregate-return 的目的/行为感到困惑?
