数组初始化在 C++ 中使用 const 变量

Array initialization use const variable in C++(数组初始化在 C++ 中使用 const 变量)

本文介绍了数组初始化在 C++ 中使用 const 变量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


  1. 这可以工作:

  1. this can work:

const int size = 2;
int array[size] = {0}; 

  • 这有编译错误:

  • this has compile error:

    int a = 2;
    const int size = a;
    int array[size] = {0};

  • 为什么?


    因为 C++ 委员会的人是这么决定的.

    Because the guys in the C++ committee decided so.


    The technical reason is that the first expression that is used to initialize size is a constant expression and it can be computed during compilation. This means that the compiler can also know how big the array is going to be and the allocation (in this case "reservation" may be a more appropriate term) can be done at compile time.

    在第二种情况下,表达式不是常量表达式(给定 C++ 定义),并且这种恢复是不可能的.

    In the second case instead the expression is not a constant expression (given the C++ definition) and this revervation is not possible.

    在第二种情况下,值确实在 size 初始化时固定,这一事实完全无关紧要.规则基于表达式的种类",第二个表达式使用可变变量,因此编译器认为它是非常量的.

    The fact that in the second case the value is indeed fixed by the time size is initialized is totally irrelevant. The rules are base on the "kind of expression" and the second expression uses mutable variables and thus the compiler considers it non-constant.


    Allowing the second form for compile-time initialization would require a flow analysis because it would need to distinguish between

    int a = 2;
    const int size = a;

    int a = foo();
    const int size = a;

    其中涉及 size 的表达式确实是相同的.

    where the expression involving size is indeed identical.

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    本文标题为:数组初始化在 C++ 中使用 const 变量
