如何使用虚函数在 C++ 中实现多态行为?

How to use virtual functions to achieve a polymorphic behavior in C++?(如何使用虚函数在 C++ 中实现多态行为?)

本文介绍了如何使用虚函数在 C++ 中实现多态行为?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 C++ 的这些重要特性的新手,我已经在这里阅读了一些关于这些主题的问题/答案,并搜索了一些文档.但我仍然对此感到困惑......

I am new to these important features of C++, i have already read a few question/answers on these topics here and googled a few docs. But i am still confused with this...


It would be great if some one can advice me some good online tutorial or book chapter which takes this concepts easy and slow and starts it from the basic.


Also, if some one knows some on-hand exercise material that would be great.



Here's the best explanation of polymorphism that I've ever heard:


There are many animals in this world. Most of them make some sound:

class Animal
    virtual void throwAgainstWall() { };

class Cat : public Animal
    void throwAgainstWall(){ cout << "MEOW!" << endl; }

class Cow : public Animal
    void throwAgainstWall(){ cout << "MOOO!" << endl; }


Now imagine you have huge bag with animals and you can't see them. You just grab one of them and throw it against wall. Then you listen to its sound - that tells you what kind of animal it was:

set<Animal*> bagWithAnimals;
bagWithAnimals.insert(new Cat);
bagWithAnimals.insert(new Cow);

Animal* someAnimal = *(bagWithAnimals.begin());

someAnimal = *(bagWithAnimals.rbegin());

你抓住第一只动物,把它扔到墙上,你会听到喵!"- 是的,那是猫.然后你抓住下一个,扔掉它,你会听到MOOO!"- 那是牛.这就是多态性.

You grab first animal, throw it against wall, you hear "MEOW!" - Yeah, that was cat. Then you grab the next one, you throw it, you hear "MOOO!" - That was cow. That's polymorphism.

您还应该检查 C++ 中的多态性

如果您正在寻找好书,这里有一份很好的清单:权威的 C++ 书籍指南和清单

And if you are looking for good book, here is good list of 'em: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

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本文标题为:如何使用虚函数在 C++ 中实现多态行为?
