Need a tool to automatically indent and format SQL Server stored procedures(需要一个工具来自动缩进和格式化 SQL Server 存储过程)
在我当前的项目中,我继承了很多长(1200 多行)SQL Server 存储过程,这些存储过程带有一些可怕的缩进和格式,这使得它们几乎无法阅读.是否有一些工具可以用来自动格式化这些文件并使其更具可读性?我不想手动浏览它并缩进它.
In my current project I've been inherited with lots of long (1200+ lines) SQL Server stored procedures with some horrible indentation and formatting which makes them almost unreadable. Is there some tool that I can use to automatically format these and make them more readable? I don't want to go through it manually and indent it.
这里有几个 -- 不知道它们的效果如何,不幸的是...
Here's a couple -- no idea how well they work, unfortunately...免费)个人免费使用)
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本文标题为:需要一个工具来自动缩进和格式化 SQL Server 存储过程

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