Using LIKE operator with stored procedure parameters(使用带有存储过程参数的 LIKE 运算符)
我有一个存储过程,它使用 LIKE
I have a stored procedure that uses the LIKE
operator to search for a truck location among some other parameters
@location nchar(20),
@time time,
@date date
DonationsTruck.VechileId, Phone, Location, [Date], [Time]
Vechile, DonationsTruck
Vechile.VechileId = DonationsTruck.VechileId
and (((Location like '%'+@location+'%') or (Location like '%'+@location) or (Location like @location+'%') ) or [Date]=@date or [Time] = @time)
I null the other parameters and search by location only but it always returns no results even when I used the full name of the location
@location nchar(20)
的数据类型应该是 @location nvarchar(20)
,因为nChar 有固定长度(用空格填充).
如果 Location 也是 nchar,则您必须对其进行转换:
Your datatype for @location nchar(20)
should be @location nvarchar(20)
, since nChar has a fixed length (filled with Spaces).
If Location is nchar too you will have to convert it:
... Cast(Location as nVarchar(200)) like '%'+@location+'%' ...
要使用和 AND
条件启用可为空参数,只需使用 IsNull 或 Coalesce 进行比较,这在您使用 OR
To enable nullable parameters with and AND
condition just use IsNull or Coalesce for comparison, which is not needed in your example using OR
e.g. if you would like to compare for Location AND Date and Time.
@location nchar(20),
@time time,
@date date
select DonationsTruck.VechileId, Phone, Location, [Date], [Time]
from Vechile, DonationsTruck
where Vechile.VechileId = DonationsTruck.VechileId
and (((Location like '%'+IsNull(@location,Location)+'%')) and [Date]=IsNUll(@date,date) and [Time] = IsNull(@time,Time))
这篇关于使用带有存储过程参数的 LIKE 运算符的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用带有存储过程参数的 LIKE 运算符

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