Pandas DataFrame - '不能在使用 ols/线性回归时从

Pandas DataFrame - #39;cannot astype a datetimelike from [datetime64[ns]] to [float64]#39; when using ols/linear regression(Pandas DataFrame - 不能在使用 ols/线性回归时从 [datetime64[ns]] 到 [float64] 键入 datetimelike)

本文介绍了Pandas DataFrame - '不能在使用 ols/线性回归时从 [datetime64[ns]] 到 [float64] 键入 datetimelike的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a DataFrame as follows:

   Ticker        Date  Close
0    ADBE  2016-02-16  78.88
1    ADBE  2016-02-17  81.85
2    ADBE  2016-02-18  80.53
3    ADBE  2016-02-19  80.87
4    ADBE  2016-02-22  83.80
5    ADBE  2016-02-23  83.07

...等等.Date 列是问题所在.我正在尝试使用 Close 列获得 Date 列的线性回归:

...and so on. The Date column is the issue. I'm trying to get the linear regression of the Date column with the Close column:

ols1 = pd.ols(y=ADBE['Close'], x=ADBE['Date'], intercept=True)


TypeError: cannot astype a datetimelike from [datetime64[ns]] to [float64]


I've tried multiple ways of getting rid of this error, for examples:

dates_input = ADBE['Date'].values.astype('datetime64[D]')

dates_input = ADBE['Date'].values.astype('float')

第二次 dates_input 尝试将类型返回为 pandas.core.series.Series 但我仍然收到错误消息.

The second dates_input attempt returns the type as pandas.core.series.Series but I still get an error message.

有谁知道如何让 Date 列正常工作并摆脱这个 TypeError?

Does anyone know how to get the Date column to work and get rid of this TypeError?



ADBE['Date'] = ADBE['Date'].values.astype(float)


ols1 = pd.ols(y=ADBE['Close'], x=ADBE['Date'], intercept=True)

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