
Difference between quot;findAllquot; and quot;find_allquot; in BeautifulSoup(“findAll之间的区别和“find_all在美丽汤)



我想用 Python 解析一个 HTML 文件,我使用的模块是 BeautifulSoup.

I would like to parse an HTML file with Python, and the module I am using is BeautifulSoup.


It is said that the function find_all is the same as findAll. I've tried both of them, but I believe they are different:

import urllib, urllib2, cookielib
from BeautifulSoup import *
site = "http://share.dmhy.org/topics/list?keyword=TARI+TARI+team_id%3A407"

rqstr = urllib2.Request(site)
rq = urllib2.urlopen(rqstr)
fchData = rq.read()

soup = BeautifulSoup(fchData)

t = soup.findAll('tr')



BeautifulSoup 4 中,方法完全相同;混合大小写版本(findAllfindAllNextnextSibling 等)都已重命名以符合 Python 风格指南,但 名称仍然可以使移植更容易.完整列表请参见方法名称.

In BeautifulSoup version 4, the methods are exactly the same; the mixed-case versions (findAll, findAllNext, nextSibling, etc.) have all been renamed to conform to the Python style guide, but the old names are still available to make porting easier. See Method Names for a full list.


In new code, you should use the lowercase versions, so find_all, etc.

然而,在您的示例中,您使用的是 BeautifulSoup version 3(自 2012 年 3 月起停止使用,如果您能提供帮助,请不要使用它),其中只有 findAll() 可用.未知属性名称(例如 .find_all,仅在 BeautifulSoup 4 中可用)被视为您正在搜索该名称的标签.您的文档中没有 <find_all> 标记,因此为此返回 None.

In your example however, you are using BeautifulSoup version 3 (discontinued since March 2012, don't use it if you can help it), where only findAll() is available. Unknown attribute names (such as .find_all, which only is available in BeautifulSoup 4) are treated as if you are searching for a tag by that name. There is no <find_all> tag in your document, so None is returned for that.


