
Remove duplicates in a list of lists based on the third item in each sublist(根据每个子列表中的第三项删除列表列表中的重复项)




I have a list of lists that looks like:

c = [['470', '4189.0', 'asdfgw', 'fds'],
     ['470', '4189.0', 'qwer', 'fds'],
     ['470', '4189.0', 'qwer', 'dsfs fdv'] 

c 有大约 30,000 个内部列表.我想做的是根据每个内部列表中的第 4 项消除重复项.所以上面的列表看起来像:

c has about 30,000 interior lists. What I'd like to do is eliminate duplicates based on the 4th item on each interior list. So the list of lists above would look like:

c = [['470', '4189.0', 'asdfgw', 'fds'],['470', '4189.0', 'qwer', 'dsfs fdv'] ...]


d = [] #list that will contain condensed c
d.append(c[0]) #append first element, so I can compare lists
for bact in c: #c is my list of lists with 30,000 interior list
    for items in d:
        if bact[3] != items[3]:

我认为这应该可行,但它只是运行和运行.我让它运行了 30 分钟,然后杀死了它.我不认为程序应该花这么长时间,所以我猜我的逻辑有问题.

I think this should work, but it just runs and runs. I let it run for 30 minutes, then killed it. I don't think the program should take so long, so I'm guessing there is something wrong with my logic.


I have a feeling that creating a whole new list of lists is pretty stupid. Any help would be much appreciated, and please feel free to nitpick as I am learning. Also please correct my vocabulary if it is incorrect.



seen = set()
cond = [x for x in c if x[3] not in seen and not seen.add(x[3])]


seen 是一个跟踪每个子列表中已经遇到的第四个元素的集合.cond 是精简列表.如果 x[3](其中 xc 中的子列表)不在 seen 中,则 x 将被添加到 cond 并且 x[3] 将被添加到 seen.

seen is a set which keeps track of already encountered fourth elements of each sublist. cond is the condensed list. In case x[3] (where x is a sublist in c) is not in seen, x will be added to cond and x[3] will be added to seen.

seen.add(x[3]) 将返回 None,因此 not seen.add(x[3]) 将始终为 True,但只有当 x[3] not in seenTrue 时才会评估该部分,因为 Python 使用短路评估.如果第二个条件得到评估,它将始终返回 True 并具有将 x[3] 添加到 seen 的副作用.这是正在发生的另一个示例(print 返回 None 并具有打印某些内容的副作用"):

seen.add(x[3]) will return None, so not seen.add(x[3]) will always be True, but that part will only be evaluated if x[3] not in seen is True since Python uses short circuit evaluation. If the second condition gets evaluated, it will always return True and have the side effect of adding x[3] to seen. Here's another example of what's happening (print returns None and has the "side-effect" of printing something):

>>> False and not print('hi')
>>> True and not print('hi')


