
Why is exponentiation applied right to left?(为什么取幂从右到左?)



我正在阅读 Python 简介教科书并遇到了这一行:

I am reading an Intro to Python textbook and came across this line:


Operators on the same row have equal precedence and are applied left to right, except for exponentiation, which is applied right to left.


I understand most of this, but I do not understand why they say exponentiation is applied right to left. They do not provide any examples either. Also, am I allowed to ask general questions like this, or are only problem solving questions preferred?


** 运算符遵循 正常的数学约定;它是右结合的:

The ** operator follows normal mathematical conventions; it is right-associative:

在通常的计算机科学术语中,数学中的取幂是右结合的,这意味着 xyz 应该读作 x(yz),而不是 (xy)z.在对 BODMAS 规则的阐述中,对这个问题的处理非常谨慎,规则是首先评估最高指数.

In the usual computer science jargon, exponentiation in mathematics is right-associative, which means that xyz should be read as x(yz), not (xy)z. In expositions of the BODMAS rules that are careful enough to address this question, the rule is to evaluate the top exponent first.



If exponentiation is indicated by stacked symbols, the usual rule is to work from the top down, because exponention is right-associative in mathematics.

所以 2 ** 3 ** 4 计算为 2 ** (3 ** 4) (== 2417851639229258349412352) 而不是 (2 **3) ** 4 (== 4096).

So 2 ** 3 ** 4 is calculated as 2 ** (3 ** 4) (== 2417851639229258349412352) not (2 ** 3) ** 4 (== 4096).

这在编程语言中非常普遍;它被称为右关联性,尽管个例外,其中 Excel 和 MATLAB 是最值得注意的.

This is pretty universal across programming languages; it is called right-associativity, although there are exceptions, with Excel and MATLAB being the most notable.


