在 Python 中创建一个带有重复键的字典

Make a dictionary with duplicate keys in Python(在 Python 中创建一个带有重复键的字典)

本文介绍了在 Python 中创建一个带有重复键的字典的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have the following list which contains duplicate car registration numbers with different values. I want to convert it into a dictionary which accepts this multiple keys of car registration numbers.


So far when I try to convert list to dictionary it eliminates one of the keys. How do I make a dictionary with duplicate keys?


EDF768, Bill Meyer, 2456, Vet_Parking
TY5678, Jane Miller, 8987, AgHort_Parking
GEF123, Jill Black, 3456, Creche_Parking
ABC234, Fred Greenside, 2345, AgHort_Parking
GH7682, Clara Hill, 7689, AgHort_Parking
JU9807, Jacky Blair, 7867, Vet_Parking
KLOI98, Martha Miller, 4563, Vet_Parking
ADF645, Cloe Freckle, 6789, Vet_Parking
DF7800, Jacko Frizzle, 4532, Creche_Parking
WER546, Olga Grey, 9898, Creche_Parking
HUY768, Wilbur Matty, 8912, Creche_Parking
EDF768, Jenny Meyer, 9987, Vet_Parking
TY5678, Jo King, 8987, AgHort_Parking
JU9807, Mike Green, 3212, Vet_Parking


data_dict = {}
data_list = []

def createDictionaryModified(filename):
  path = "C:UsersuserDesktop"
  basename = "ParkingData_Part3.txt"
  filename = path + "//" + basename
  file = open(filename)
  contents = file.read()
  print contents,"
  data_list = [lines.split(",") for lines in contents.split("
  for line in data_list:
    regNumber = line[0]
    name = line[1]
    phoneExtn = line[2]
    carpark = line[3].strip()
    details = (name,phoneExtn,carpark)
    data_dict[regNumber] = details
  print data_dict,"
  print data_dict.items(),"
  print data_dict.values()


Python 字典不支持重复键.一种解决方法是将列表或集合存储在字典中.

Python dictionaries don't support duplicate keys. One way around is to store lists or sets inside the dictionary.

实现此目的的一种简单方法是使用 defaultdict:

One easy way to achieve this is by using defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict

data_dict = defaultdict(list)


data_dict[regNumber] = details



and you'll get a dictionary of lists.

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本文标题为:在 Python 中创建一个带有重复键的字典
